OCD which stands short for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, is an anxiety disorder. In this mental illness, the patient suffers from frequent unwanted thoughts that are disturbing in content (called as obsessions). To reduce the anxiety or distress of these repetitive thoughts, the patient performs some actions or rituals, in his brain or physically (called as compulsions). OCD develops because of neurochemical imbalances in the brain. It is usually a long-lasting, severe illness that begins before the age of 25 for most patients though it can begin in childhood, adolescence or old age. It has a strong genetic association.

OCD can affect men, women or children and can manifest through a combination of obsessions and compulsions. Here’s a detailed look at the symptoms associated with OCD:


Obsessions are intrusive and unwanted thoughts, urges, or images that repeatedly enter a person’s mind. These thoughts are typically distressing or anxiety-inducing. Common themes include:

  1. Contamination:
    • Fear of germs, dirt, or illness.
    • Obsessive thoughts about being contaminated by touching objects or people.
  2. Harm:
    • Fear of causing harm to oneself or others.
    • Worry about acting on violent or aggressive impulses.
  3. Symmetry and Order:
    • Need for things to be symmetrical or in a particular order.
    • Obsessive concern with arranging objects until they feel “just right.”
  4. Doubt:
    • Persistent doubts about having done something properly, such as locking the door or turning off the stove.
    • Fear of making a mistake.
  5. Unacceptable or Taboo Thoughts:
    • Intrusive thoughts about sexual, religious, or moral issues.
    • Disturbing mental images or thoughts that go against personal beliefs or values.
  6. Hoarding Disorder:
    • Intrusive thoughts about keeping or acquiring possessions.


Compulsions are repetitive behaviours or mental acts that a person feels compelled to perform in response to an obsession. These actions are meant to reduce anxiety or prevent a feared event, although they are often not realistically connected to what they are intended to prevent.

  1. Cleaning and Washing:
    • Excessive hand washing, showering, or cleaning.
    • Avoidance of perceived contaminants.
  2. Checking:
    • Repeatedly checking that doors are locked, appliances are turned off, or that one hasn’t harmed others.
    • Checking one’s body for signs of illness.
  3. Counting:
    • Counting objects, steps, or actions in a certain way or a specific number of times.
    • Repeating actions a specific number of times.
  4. Ordering and Arranging:
    • Arranging objects in a precise or specific way.
    • Reorganizing items until they are “perfect.”
  5. Mental Rituals:
    • Repeating certain words, phrases, or prayers silently.
    • Engaging in mental review or reassurance seeking.

Impact of OCD

  • Distress and Anxiety: They cause significant distress and interfere with daily functioning, including work, school, and social activities.
  • Time Consumption: The cycle of obsessions and compulsions consume a large part of an individual’s time.​
  • Avoidance: People with OCD might avoid situations that trigger obsessions, leading to further impairment in their lives.


OCD is typically diagnosed through clinical evaluation, including a detailed patient history and assessment of symptoms. The severity is measured objectively using rating scales such as Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Score (YBOCS).

Treatment options for OCD

Conventional treatment options include Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Medications such as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) or Combination Therapy that combines CBT, ERP, medications and family therapy and counselling. Deep Brain Stimulation or admitting the patient is a psychiatric hospital are also done in severe cases.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Deep TMS therapy for OCD (available at all center’s)

Deep TMS (Deep RTMS) is an advanced treatment for OCD, specially for patients with treatment resistant OCD or non-compliant cases. Deep TMS is US FDA cleared to safely and effectively treat the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). At ANC, we use BrainsWay’s patented H7-coil technology for our treatments, which is designed to maximise electrical stimulations to the deeper regions of the brain. Deep TMS for OCD works by utilizing BrainsWay’s H7-coil to directly reach wider and deeper regions of the brain and regulate neural activity of the brain structures associated with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – specifically the Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Medial Prefrontal Cortex. Since Deep TMS is a non-invasive treatment, it is well tolerated by most patients and does not cause any long-lasting side effects. If you’re dealing with OCD and looking for long-term relief, consider Asha Neuromodulation Clinics’ advanced OCD treatment in Hyderabad and in other cities. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder High Intensity Treatment for OCD (available at Gachibowli Hyderabad centre only) This is a 5 days program available at Asha Neuromodulation Clinics in Gachibowli, Hyderabad. Treatment integrates Medication, Deep TMS, ERP therapy and Counselling to address Neuro-chemical, Neuro-electrical, Motor-response and Psychological aspects of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. A group of upto 5 patients with similar OCD symptoms are selected and the treatment is tailored to suit each patient. This High Intensity Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour is the first and only of its kind in India.

  • Medication –Assessment and optimization of medication to achieve enhanced efficacy
  • Deep TMS –20 sessions of Deep TMS that modulates brain regions and circuits involved in OCD
  • ERP Therapy –About 30 hours of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) Therapy. Situations created to provoke obsessions. Patients learn to reduce their compulsions.
  • Counselling –Individual, Group and Family counselling by psychologists.
  • Follow-up –Continued guidance and support by psychologists for upto 90 days. Support is gradually tapered off to increase and ensure independence of patient.

If you or anybody you know is struggling with OCD and not getting relief with conventional treatment, ANC help them get long-term relief and reclaim their life.

Asha Neuromodulation Clincs are India’s First Multi-centered Deep TMS Clinics and offer advanced OCD treatment in Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada, using the transformative Deep TMS technology. Our services include OP Consultation, Deep TMS, RTMS, TDCS/HD-TDCS, Biofeedback and Counselling Services. Our specialties are in treating Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Smoking Dependence and other Neuro-Psychiatric Disorders.